OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Capture the Screen and Create a new Attachment

  1. Open the Manage Issues dialog (Drawing > Collaborate > Collaboration > Manage Issues).
  2. Select Issue in the Type drop-down.

    The list of issues in displayed in the list box.

  3. Click on the desired issue to open it.
  4. Go to the Attachments tab.
  5. Select Click to Capture View (camera icon).

    The Image Markup window opens displaying the active view.

  6. (Optional) You can mark up the concerned area in the view using the markup tools (Pencil, Annotate, Eraser) available in the window. You can also adjust the color, font size and stroke thickness of lines and annotation text.
  7. Select Save.

    The screen is captured and the new attachment is listed in the list box.